Loving the picture as much as the words
Presencing poetry in every day live
listen to her words
integrating the encapsulated extraordinary
in your own thoughts ...
through all times and dimensions!
Our first edition in English after two editions in German!
For your eyes only.
Twelve images taken in the streets of various European metropolises
translated into twelve poems for a special time and a special person.
For you or for someone else!
Every month you will receive a street view fresh from the press
in 15x15cm with a poem send to your home.
In the first shipment you will receive the cover image & the wooden stand to go with it,
to put up your card... .
Every month you will receive an unexpected street view with a poem that inspires your creativity and directs your thoughts into unknown areas.
Your investment 125,-€.
(Price plus 21% span. IVA.a/tax.)
We gladly accept orders by mail
or via my >>> contact form.